Improve the quality of your life by learning how to make a better use of your body and mind.
You can now do this in the comfort of your home!
Emotional Solvency ~ How to build up emotional resilience.
In financial terms ‘solvency’ refers to our assets being in excess of our liabilities. So why not apply this concept to our emotional balance, and if we were to make two columns representing our ‘emotional assets’ and our ‘emotional liabilities’, wouldn’t we always want our assets to outweigh our liabilities? And then, why not take this further, and include in our ‘assets’ a set of tools to make ourselves as resilient as possible?
This handbook will show you how to build up emotional resilience, thus ensuring that you will always have enough emotional energy to deal with life’s challenges.
Available in Kindle format (£3.99), Paperback (£12.99) and
Hardcover (£17.75). Click on this link to get your copy!
Handbook of Active Meditation ~ Peaceflow in Action.
The benefits of Active Meditation for stress, anxiety, PTSD and sleep problems have been know for a long time and have been confirmed by research carried out at the Royal Hallamshire Hospistal in Sheffield (UK), the US National Institute for Health
and the Harvard's Women Health Watch.
Peaceflow is a form of active meditation which consists of correct posture, deep breathing, visualisation, gentle body movements and directed thought. It’s made up of a warm-up routine and seven movements, one for each day of the week. I created Peaceflow in May 2005 and have been practising it every day since. Its regular practice results in a free flow of energy that can be greatly beneficial for our wellbeing, especially for those who suffers from stress, anxiety, PTSD and sleep problems.
Available in Kindle format (£3.99) and Paperback (£7.99).
Click on this link to get your copy!
Audio Files
Emotional Solvency ~ Audio Exercises.
De-stress, relax and re-energise with these audio files.
1. The Basic Body Relaxation ~ Listen for free here.
2. The Insight Breathing ~ Listen for free here.
3. The 3Bs ~ Listen for free here.
4. The Secret Place ~ Listen for free here.
5. The Seven Doors ~ Listen for free here.
All audio files available to download for only £7.99 here.
Video Courses
Active Meditation ~ Peaceflow Course
This course is made of eight video, which will guide you through the practice of Active Meditation ~ Peaceflow.
Peaceflow is a form of active meditation which consists of correct posture, deep breathing, visualisation, gentle body movements and directed thought. It’s made up of a warm-up routine and seven movements, one for each day of the week.
Learn how to practise the warm up routine for free here.
The course is available to rent, for 90 days, for only £27, and
you can also buy unlimited access to it, for only £39, here.